implementing an emergency preparedness planThere are a lot of flood resources that can help you floodproof your property to lower your cost of comprehensive flood coverage.

As an alternative to NFIP insurance, commercial properties may qualify for Highly Protected Risk (HPR) coverage that is designed for companies that are committed to loss prevention and control.

Unlike NFIP and traditional commercial property insurance which are based on historical actuarial loss calculations, HPR insurance calculate risk and premiums based on an engineering analysis and practices, such as flood mitigation, that can reduce physical and financial risks.

FM ApprovalsFM Global is the leader in HPR commercial property insurance. Through FM Approvals, they also offer product testing, flood resources and certification. Presray works closely with FM Approvals to ensure that our flood mitigation products conform to the highest national and international standards and help you meet the standards for your emergency preparedness plan (read more about FM Approvals).